This form factor for a guitar pedal was designed to be ergonomic and cost effective for manufacturing. Sheet metal production was utilized which allowed the design to be carried forward on to future models. UI layout and graphical treatments aligned the Trio pedals in a family line up whilst simultaneously allowing the SDRUM pedal to stand out on its own.
The lined graphic was applied as a lacquer layer to the Trio and Trio+ this gave it a very bold and eye-catching visual when viewed from different angles or while panning around the product. However when the light does not catch the graphic a quieter more branding/function focused labeling prevailes.
This project was an exercise in problem solving a UI layout. The pedal had to control an abundance of properties with limited space for interface components. The ‘Kick’ & ‘Snare’ buttons also had a cast profile for rapid snap back after depression.
Layout - Colour Direction
Here is a window in to the design process I implemented for the SDRUM Pedal. As this design was somewhat complete at the beginning of this project it started as a layout exploration for the UI. 
It quickly progressed to query the clients preferred aesthetic direction. Contrasting a stronger vibrant look against a cooler more minimal aesthetic.
Illumination Options
To solve for an overcrowded interface we illuminated controls to show different states . This meant that the illumination was a critical part of the overall aesthetics and function. This led me to present developed concepts with the LED's in on & off states.
Final Render

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